Sunday, June 12, 2022

Chapter 118: Return to the Mountains

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“Over there,” said Alfred.  “That’s the place.”
Vivian gently landed the table down on the mountainside.  “So this is where you and my father grew up,” she said.
“It is,” said Alfred.
“Have you been back since then?” asked Vivian.
“I’ve never been back since we left,” said Alfred.  “Of course, the same has not been true for Catherine.”
“Yes, this is where my father sent you to exile, isn’t it?” said Vivian.
“This is the place,” said Catherine.
“There’s a lot fewer trees than I remember,” said Alfred.
“The woodsmen have been cutting them down,” said Catherine.
“I wonder if my old house is still around here,” Alfred mused.
“Where are the witches?” asked Vivian.
“If I remember, they’re in the cave over that hill,” said Alfred.  “Now, Vivian, I should warn you that you have to be on your guard up here in the mountains.  There’s always danger everywhere.”
“It’s not as bad as it used to be,” said Catherine.  “We did a good job of making it safe.”
“Yes, that’s true,” said Alfred.
They walked over the hill to the witch’s cave.  Catherine, although her arms were still bound, walked with them.
There was a witch standing by the cave when they arrived.  “Hello Catherine.  Welcome back,” said the witch, smiling.
Catherine simply scowled.
The witch looked at Alfred.  “Do I know you?” she asked.
“I grew up in these mountains,” Alfred said.
“Ah, yes.  I thought you looked familiar.”  The witch turned to Vivian.  “And who is this?” she asked.
“This is Catherine’s niece,” said Alfred.
“Ah, another member of the cursed family.  Does she have the magical powers?” 
“I do,” said Vivian.
“Yes, I thought I saw you levitating in here on the table.  Well, what do you want?”
“The magic,” said Alfred.  “It’s destroyed Catherine’s soul.  She has no compassion left.  No humanity.”
“Yes,” said the witch.  “That is the price that you pay for using magic.”
“Is there no cure?” asked Alfred.  “Is there no way to bring her back to the woman she once was?”
“There is,” said the witch.  “She has to give up magic completely.”
Catherine laughed when she heard this.  “Give up magic?  I couldn’t give it up if I wanted to.  I never wanted it in the first place, but I was born with it.  You remember, Alfred.”
“All to well,” said Alfred.  “I still have the scars on my arms to prove it.”
“There is a way to purge yourself of magic,” said the witch.  “You have to go to the middle of the sacred lake, in the northern part of the forest.  The nymphs who live in that lake can wash the magic away from you in the sacred waters, if you allow them to.”
“And will it restore Catherine to what she used to be?” asked Alfred.
“The madness will wash away,” said the witch.  “And she will be restored as she was before the magic destroyed her.  But she has to do it willingly.  And she is so far gone with her lust for power that I doubt she would ever do it willingly.”
“Catherine, listen to me,” said Alfred.  “I love you.  You know that.  I love you in spite of everything.  I need you to come back to me.  Just heal yourself--get rid of all your evil magic, and become my darling once more.”
Tears rolled down Catherine’s face.  
“Please, Aunt Catherine,” pleaded Vivian.  “You used to be my favorite Aunt when I was young.  You can go back to being that Aunt again.”
Catherine took a deep breath.  “I can’t,” she said.  “I can’t do it until I’ve defeated Ambrosia.”
It took Vivian and Alfred a moment to process what she was saying.  “Do you mean,” asked Alfred at last, “that you are going to help your brother Carlyle?”
“I mean,” said Catherine, “that I am going to defeat Ambrosia.  If Carlyle happens to be there as well, then perhaps he can help me.”
“I’m going with you,” said Alfred.
“Oh, Alfred,” Catherine laughed.  “What good are you in a magic battle?”
“I fought Ambrosia with you the first time,” said Alfred.  “I can fight her again the second time.  I’ve always been by your side in all your battles.  You know that.”
“Very well,” said Catherine.
“Let me come as well,” said Vivian.  “I’m strong with magic.  Stronger even than you. You said it yourself.  With two magic users attacking her at once, Ambrosia doesn’t stand a chance.”
“Ambrosia’s not your fight, Vivian,” said Catherine, with a smile.  “She belongs to the older generation.  But even more importantly than that, I need you to stay behind and guard Castle Tauna.  What if one of the monsters were to get out through the portal while we were battling Ambrosia?”
“She’s right, Vivian,” said Alfred.  “You have family to protect in that castle.”
“You’re right,” said Vivian.  “So I do.  Very well.  I’ll stay behind.  But Catherine, I have one favor to ask.  Can you remove all the goblins from the castle before you go to the land of the monsters?”
“Yes, of course,” said Catherine.  “King Grinthal.  I almost forgot about him.  He is still imprisoned in the bottle.”
“What’s this?” said Alfred.
“I’ll explain everything when we get back,” said Catherine.

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